Blog #789: Transformers Third Party Keith’s Fantasy Club B-Box (Beastbox) and Birdbomber (Squawktalk)

Transformers Third Party Keith’s Fantasy Club B-Box (Beastbox) and Birdbomber (Squawktalk)

These aren’t terribly expensive, which is the only reason I picked them up,  Frankly, I have been disappointed in most of these KFC cassettes, but this set is really great, though I don’t know that they are a huge improvement over the G1.  Still, these don’t actually look like cassettes.  They have no cassette markings on them, making them just look like plastic rectangles with holes in them.


B-Box (Beastbox)

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B-Box is very cool.  They did a nice job on his colors, but he is still a robotic ape in really small scale so you can only do so much.


Birdbomber (Squawktalk)

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Birdbomber is probably a slight improvement over the original, but not so much that it seems worth a new version.  That’s the thing about third party toys.  I understand when they are a significant improvement over the originals, but these really aren’t so much of an improvement to warrant their existence.

Boxbomber (Squawktalk)


Very cool, but again, not a huge improvement over the G1.

Thanks for reading!

About lmb3

I’m 36 years old, and I work in network tech support for a public school system. I am a huge fan of Star Trek, Transformers, Harry Potter, and Marvel Comics as well as numerous other fandoms. I’m a big sports fan, especially the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. I collect toys (mostly Transformers but other stuff too), comic books, and Red Sox baseball cards. I watch an obscene amount of television and love going to the movies. I am hopelessly addicted to Wizard Rock and I write Harry Potter Fanfiction, though these days I am working on a couple of different original YA novels.
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1 Response to Blog #789: Transformers Third Party Keith’s Fantasy Club B-Box (Beastbox) and Birdbomber (Squawktalk)

  1. Pingback: Blog #802: Transformers Third Party Keith’s Fantasy Club Shattered Glass B-Box (Beastbox) and Shattered Glass Birdbomber (Squawktalk) |

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